Wednesday, April 22, 2009

creativity and psychosis

as god said, i want it all. so, if you want the greatest of all qualities, creativity, you have to forego your sanity, no less. to enjoy those moments of epiphany and the creative process, the most enjoyable thing on earth by far, you will have to be a little mad. cant help. and if you think that madness iss too great a price to pay for creativity, you just dont have it. have never felt it, never will . just step aisde brother, you dont belong here. as all those who create would know, once you ve felt it, your life belongs to it, you live for it and die for it. and for everyone, you think the creative process is not that big a deal, ask youself, what is sex? and who hates sex. so dont kid yourself

creativity sports two traits: laatent inhibition and fantasy proneness.both, unfortunately, have a strong positive correlation with certain psychosis. low Latent inhibition means that the guy has a strong subconcious. when a person has high LI,  and he stares at or experiences something, he is basically taking in everything, all the experience, all the features conciously. There is no scope for any other impressions to form. even if the guy stares at the stuff 1000 times, at whatever gap, he is always going to form the same impression. but if a guy with low LI, when he is experiencing something, he is absorbing a lot of the stuff subconciously. means, he is looking, but not looking, he is not looking at the purple door knob for instance. he is just looking at the purple colour. in his mind he is trying to fit in some shape, object, fitting to that purple colour. after a while, his subconcious would throw up the round doorknob and make it colourless. then he would try to fit colour to shape; opposite to what he was doing earlier. this is how creation works, you moronic unimaginative beings

the above process is evidence enough to realise that the creative process is extremely fantasy prone, your continually trying to fit imaginative things to one think and you imagine, creating another world. enough said.

now the sacrifice. most of the people who are low LI and high fantasy prone are also sufferers from clinical depression, are obsessive. some are manic depressive.but while low LI and high fantsay proneness are also associated with mental illness, to conclude that creative people are psychotic is like concluding that all climbers are thieves, coz thieves climb.

see what we have to live with? depression, obsession, psycopathic behaviour. but let me tell you on behalf of all creative people, it is absolutely worth it. when you fit that purple square doorknob, its certainly worth the torture and even something to look forward to.. Something you would never understand, you grey polished round doorknob guy, you...

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